商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:sunnyservices.qy6.com MacBook Air LCD Repair/Replacement _shanghai apple repair services store
shanghai apple repair services store
联系人:james 先生 (技术员)
电 话:021-62098098
手 机:13917377339


MacBook Air LCD Repair/Replacement


    Your defective screen will be replaced with a BRAND NEW LCD, and installed by an Apple Certified Technician! There are no core charges even for cracked or physically damaged LCD's.

This MacBook Air Screen Repair/Replacement service is for you if you MacBook Air is experiencing, but not limited to the following symptoms:

-The screen is cracked

-There is discoloration on the screen

-There are numerous dead pixels

-Color bleeding (i.e. when you start the machine, a solid color spreads across the screen)

Next-Day Turnaround: With the iResQ LCD repair program, your MacBook Air will be repaired and shipped the SAME DAY it is received!

Once the repair has been made, the MacBook Air is then shipped back to the customer, and that's all there is to it! A quick repair, at a price based in reality. To get started, simply add this item to your shopping cart or give us a call at 1-391-737-7339.

24hr cellphone: 13917377339(James)




ADD: 51 Shuicheng South Rd

shanghai apple repair services store
james 先生 (技术员)  
电  话: 021-62098098
传  真: 021-34170875
移动电话: 13917377339
公司地址: 中国上海长宁区上海市长宁区水城南路51弄16号302室
邮  编: 201103
公司主页: http://sunnyservices.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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shanghai apple repair services store 公司地址:中国上海长宁区上海市长宁区水城南路51弄16号302室
james 先生 (技术员) 电话:021-62098098 传真:021-34170875
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